Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa or 491 Visa
This visa is appropriate for skilled workers who want to live and work in regional parts of Australia. Most parts of Australia other than the main cities such as Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney are specified regional areas. For instance, Perth and the Gold Coast are considered regional areas.
Skilled workers granted this visa are allowed to:
Stay in Australia for 5 years from the date their visa is granted.
Travel inside and outside Australia as many times as they desire during the visa duration time
Apply for PR or permanent resident since November 16th, 2022
Same as all other visa applications there are specific requirements to be eligible for this visa application:
For skilled work regional visa, You shall:
Be appointed by an Australian state or territory government agency or an eligible relative who sponsored you
Have a job indicated in the relevant skilled occupation list
Have proper and positive skills assessment for your job
Be invited to apply by the Australian Government
Achieve the points test
Have proper age
Skilled Work Regional Visa or Subclass 491 visa Requirements
This visa has two different pathways:
The invited
The subsequent entry
The Invited Pathway is the primary visa application in that you are nominated by a state, territory, or sponsored by an eligible relative and invited to apply. First, you shall submit an online EOI or expression of interest, after being invited you shall meet the main visa requirements to be eligible for this visa.
Be sponsored or nominated: You shall be sponsored by an eligible relative or nominated by a state/territory government agency. Submit your Expression of interest or EOI to be able to estimate your points and scores. Once you obtain sufficient points and scores Australian State or Territory government agencies can see your EOI, may verify it, and nominate you. If you indicate on your EOI that you are being sponsored by an eligible family member, the department may invite you to the invitation round to apply for the visa.
Have a relevant job: You must be having an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list.
Have proper and positive skills assessment: For your application to be valid, you shall mention that you have a proper skills assessment at the invitation time. It is essential to attach a copy of this skills assessment to your application request. This skills assessment shall be received within 3 years of the invitation date. If this assessment was for a shorter period, the period shall not have passed.
Be invited: You can only apply for this visa if you are invited by the government. You can inform us if you would like to apply for this visa by providing an EOI on the skill selection.
Meet the points test: For this subclass, a points test is needed. After submitting your EOI on the skill select, a metric score will be shown according to the information provided by you. If your score is lower than 65, you will not be invited. The invitation mentions the number of points you must achieve in evaluating your visa application (this score can be over 65 points, depending on the claims in your EOI)
Have the proper age: You shall be under 45 to be invited. If you turn 45 years old after being invited to apply, you can still apply for a visa. If you turn 45 after sending the EOI but before you are invited, you will not receive the invitation
There are other requirements such as health, English language, character, etc., that may apply to your application.
The primary applicant or the spouse must be related to their relative sponsor as mentioned below:
Independent children – including biological, adopted, and stepchildren.
Parents - including adoptive or step-parents;
Brothers or sisters - including adoptive or half-brothers.
Niece or nephew – includes adopted or step-niece or nephew. or
Aunts or Uncles – including adoptive or step-child aunts or uncles.
Grandparents or cousins.
Include family
You can:
Include them when submitting your visa application.
Add dependent children after applying but before finalizing the application.
Family members applying for a visa must meet health and character requirements.
If your spouse or dependent children are not included on this application, you must provide a reason why they are not; for instance, they are Australian citizens or permanent residents already
Skill Select Points Test
Points are awarded based on the factors listed in the table below. All factors will be evaluated at the time you are invited to apply for this visa.
Scoring criteria are evaluated at the time of invitation

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Employment points can only be claimed if the employment was in your designated profession or a closely related skilled profession and if you had been employed for the period indicated in the table within 10 years before receiving the invitation to apply.
If you are employed in Australia, you must be a holder of a Substantial visa or a Bridging A or Bridging B visa and meet the conditions of that visa in other points.
(Employed is considered as paid employment of at least 20 hours or more per week.)
Closely-related occupations shall be:
Inside the same ANZSCO group
Compatible with a career advancement pathway
Recognized as closely related to your nominated job by assessing authorities as part of the skills assessment
As part of the scoring test, there is a maximum number of points that can be awarded for work experience. Only a Maximum of 20 points can be received. Even if your total work experience exceeds 20 points, 20 points will be considered.

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In points-based migrations, you only obtain points for the highest qualifications.
Qualifications Recognition
The authorities evaluating your skills assessment might decide whether your qualifications are comparable to the equivalent Australian qualifications or not. Occupation assessment agencies are listed on each list of eligible occupations. You must have this approval before you are asked to apply for the visa.
Doctoral requirements (Ph.D.)
Points are awarded for a Ph.D. only if the degree is at the appropriate level, for instance, a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). These points cannot be used to obtain other qualifications (for instance, General Practitioner, Dentist, Veterinarian) that qualify you to use the Physician title.

Eligible fields
Natural and physical sciences:
biological sciences
chemical sciences
earth sciences
mathematical sciences
natural and physical sciences
other natural and physical sciences
physics and astronomy
Information technology (IT)
computer science
information systems
information technology
other information technology
Engineering and related technologies
Aerospace Engineering and Technology
Civil Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology
Engineering and Related Technology
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
Marine Engineering and Technology
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology
Other Engineering and Related Technology
Processes and Resources Mechanical Engineering.
To determine if you qualify, please visit the CRICOS website.

More information
At the time of your application, you have completed your professional academic year. To be eligible for these points, you must have completed a professional year in ICT/EDP, Accounting, or Engineering and:
In the nominated job or a related one
Completed in Australia over a minimum of 12 months
Completed in Australia for 4 years before your invitation
Achieved from one of the organizations below:
Australian Computer Association
CPA Australia
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Institute of Chartered Accountants (former National Institute of Accountants)
Engineers Australia.

Subsequent Entry Pathway
This pathway is for a member of a family that holds a specific temporary regional visa and the member wishes to join them.
If you are a member of a family unit of someone holding a Regional (Provisional) Skilled Work (Subclass 491) visa you shall meet the following requirements:
Be a member of the family unit, holding a subclass 491 visa.
If you are in Australia while applying, you must be a de facto visa or subclass holder of a 010 Bridging A visa, a subclass 020 Bridging B visa, or a subclass 030 Bridging C visa.
Meeting functional English level or pay for a second installment when you are asked to
Meeting character and health requirements
Permanent residence
The skilled work regional visa or 491 visa enables a pathway to apply for permanent residency. As an Australian permanent resident, you can:
remain in Australia permanently,
work and study
register for Medicare
sponsor your relatives to come to Australia
travel inside and outside Australia for 5 years
Apply for citizenship in case of eligibility
To apply for the PR visa or 191 visa you should have had:
an eligible 491 or 494 visa for a minimum of 3 years,
taxable income equal to or above the threshold amount which is $53,900 per year for a minimum of 3 years
All applicants should have obeyed their visa conditions
The skilled work regional visa or 491 visa entitlements
The 491 visa grants a 5-year temporary residency visa.
You and your family members can:
Live in Australia for 5 years
Study, work, and live in a nominated region of Australia
Travel inside and outside Australia as many times as you desire during the duration of this visa
Apply for permanent residency with 191 or permanent residence (skilled regional visa)
Work for any profession and any employer concerning the occupation and residence conditions mentioned in your visa
Entitle for Medicare system
The skilled work regional visa or 491 visa replaced the former 489 visa on November 16th, 2019. This visa requires a positive skills assessment as well.